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Portfolio Companies
About VCI Group


VCI Group was established in 2007 to provide equity financing and business advisory services to the management of information technology, land development and commercial real estate companies, including real estate investment trusts. We seek investment opportunities where the combination of ideas, money, experience, and relationships can create long-term, sustainable value. While we believe that the vast majority of business plans we receive have many of the makings of viable companies, we are looking for additional key features in the businesses in which we invest.

A Unique or Proprietary Advantage:
This might be a technology, a patent, a key relationship, a preferential contract, or the skill of a team. It might be an identified market where an early position will truly limit longer term competition.

No one has all the answers, particularly when pioneering unexplored territory. We invest in people who have a demonstrated record of success, creativity, high integrity, and who possess enough self-confidence not to feel threatened when different ideas are presented or difficult situations arise. We will not invest unless all parties are comfortable that our relationship is that of a true partner.

Few great companies achieve their success solely on the original vision. We look to invest in scrappy teams driven to create value; teams whose "Plan B" provides added upside as well as a hedge on the downside.

Expanding Defensible Markets:
We are interested in companies in which market positions can be obtained and then defended after others recognize the value of a pioneer’s vision.

We seek scaleable business models. We avoid situations in which very large amounts of capital must be spent before the viability of a concept in the marketplace can be determined.

As investors, rather than traders, we are willing to hold equity positions in quality companies for three to ten years. While we avoid deals wholly dependent on fads or strategic buyers’ to realize value, our limited partners expect to see a logical path to liquidity, and a commitment on the part of the founders to achieve this in a reasonable time frame.